Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Halloween, long ago

So my husband is amazed that I can say I need more scrapbook paper...when I have thousands of sheets....this layout is a prime example.  I had this idea in my head of how I wanted it to look but when I went to my stash, I realized I barely have any Halloween papers!  I did this layout 3 times before I got it to look good...though I still wish I could have done it how I planned.  I wish I had my digital inventory in my office....millions of papers and elements ;-)
For this layout I mixed a few files.  I used the Scrap Factory Royals 2 expansion pack for Jasmine, the couples expansion pack for the "farmer" and I got the hat from Cowboy Kids. I used a hairstyle to match what my hair looked like, but I think I should have used Jasmine's hair anyway?  What do you think?
I finally became a Scrappy Dew Vault member, and I. Love. It!  There are so many fantastic files in there...apparently most of the files I have used are in the vault....why did I wait so long?   Here is the link if you are interested.
Okay so this layout is a picture of my husband and I way back when....before we were even dating.  We were at a Halloween dance and met up with each other, I was a genie, and he was a hill billie.  I saw both of these characters in the scrap factory and new I needed a page for this!  Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. Nadia, love this layout, looks like it was a lot of fun.

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