My boys are always ahead of schedule when it comes to holidays. They pretty much know what they want for Christmas, the following year. The same goes with costumes. However when it comes to my crafting...I am always behind schedule...very behind. (For the most part I am still working on the first 3 months of my 7 year old's baby book).
I saw the file Too Cute to Spook from Marjorie Ann and it matched perfectly for what my boys want to be. Last year my oldest told me that he wanted us to go as matching skeletons. My second boy usually asks for a Halloween costume for Christmas (One year he asked Santa for Body Parts...I had to explain that it was Halloween Candy) He got a vampire cape last year and that is what he wants to be this year. The file also has a werewolf that I can use as I had a pretty fun costume a few years back.
This I believe is my very first layout I have done for pictures that have not yet been taken...probably my last as well. It's kind of exciting to feel like I am on top of things...if only this meant I was really caught up and able to plan ahead....ha ha ha ha ha!

The title grabbed me right off so I had to use that...looking now I see I left the whites off the title eyes, I will have to go back and add them. The skeletons are adorable and I will use them again...digitally. There were a lot of tiny pieces, even with doing it the opposite way and subtracting the bones from the black instead of placing them all. Also it only came with a girl skeleton, with a skirt so it was a lot harder than I anticipated to alter it to make a boy skeleton also. I left the hat off the girl and just put on a headband instead. I also am still struggling with my stamps coming off faded looking. I had to retrace the whole thing with a black pen. I am not sure if the stamps are not completely flat so it is missing the ink, or if it is the ink itself. I actually got Stayz on black ink to try, but then heard it is very permanent, so trying to figure out if it can be used on these stamps. Also not too set on the photo mats for this layout, but I figure it will be covered with a picture anyone so it should be fine. Under the watermark is a Halloween journal tag.

I also had to use the Dracula/vampire as he is adorable and matches what my other son wants to be for Halloween. Although he is the only image I used from the set on this page, I really like how it turned out. He was pretty easy to make although I couldn't get the tiny fangs to cut so I had to just draw them on...I do love the way he looks!
Thanks for stopping by!